| The cover I installed was from ECParts.net. I can't say I'm all that thrilled with it; the vinyl seems really thin and the cover seemed to actually be a little too small (it's VERY tight right now, even without the bows fully installed). The front part of the bed is supposed to snap about 2 inches back from the front rail, which would put the snap right at the screw that attaches the front bed corner trim. I don't know that I like the idea of drilling into the chrome to mount this. It is possible, I guess, that the manufacturer expected me to mount it to the chrome at the top of the tailgate, but I don't like that idea either. You can't really tell, but I put 3 small dents in the tailgate when trying to stretch the cover (with wood-covered visegrips). I also had to drill new holes for every single snap, so the old holes will need to be filled. |